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basher_xyz 🙂 33 days ago

i ain't afraid of no quake..

basher_xyz 🔥 48 days ago

10,000 website views, now that's a HUGE milestone.

basher_xyz 🙂 73 days ago

7,679 views. wowie, so unbelievable. :O

basher_xyz 📰 92 days ago

Anyways, 6,190 website visitors is absolutely bonkers it's very much a huge milestone. thx for support lol.

basher_xyz 😂 93 days ago

I made a minor grammar mistake, whoops. :P

basher_xyz 💾 93 days ago

Just updated my website updated, version 2.0, Back to the Future. (update logs are available on the site.)

basher_xyz ✅ 98 days ago

Setting up my status