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baphometal 🙂 661 days ago

sorry, im trying to learn by looking through code. i'll remove it, i apologize, that was wrong of me.

baphometal 👽 661 days ago

why are all of the figures i pre-ordered blonde (blonde slander)

baphometal 💤 662 days ago

work sucks, im tired, and i want to draw so bad!!

baphometal ❤️ 663 days ago

dog walks and donuts, the perfect Sunday

baphometal ✨ 664 days ago

the weather is so lovely today, i want to go on a picnic!

baphometal ❤️ 664 days ago

i just love and appreciate all my friends and mutuals. everyone is so sweet to me it makes me cry!!!!!

baphometal 😇 665 days ago

wish i had the patience to learn coding properly but my brain is simply too small

baphometal 💔 665 days ago

i just really want to eat some mochi right now