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I’m the one and only Xiao Wu (GV2) kinnie

she/he 13 and basically an 8th grader

Zonda is my goddess, my guiding light <3


axel-exe 🌧️ 4 days ago

i fucking LOVE MW2 (i played for an hour once and never again) (its kind of scary)

axel-exe 🍙 5 days ago

DUDEOKAY SO there’s this site based off a game my boyfriend likes and I kinda wanna be friendswith the webmaster… why… whyam i like that

axel-exe 💔 5 days ago

bro… not religious or anything but damn… fuck eve…

axel-exe 💔 5 days ago

Can’t get five guys cause they straight up sell peanuts and my brother is allergic… what kind of dystopian timeline they got me stuck in 😭

axel-exe ❤️ 6 days ago

No one should have seen last status. Sorry moots and nonmoots alike(*⁰▿⁰*)

axel-exe 💀 6 days ago

If my mom grounds me for not eating I’m slitting my throat

axel-exe ✏️ 6 days ago

cantwait to go to michaels to get beadsfor um a phone strap yatta!!

axel-exe 💀 6 days ago

I just realized my account has to be of legal age for messenger kids and I made a different fb account that got suspended I’m gonna kms help

axel-exe 🌧️ 7 days ago

I told my boyfriend I was biflux and I think that ruined him… but— hey, at least it’d push him to find someone better if he hates me now????

axel-exe 🌧️ 7 days ago

wanna sign up for some webrings but im too shy whatthe sigma..

axel-exe 💔 7 days ago

ummmmv,vsndksjd i slept at 3am and had a wondrous rest

axel-exe 🎶 7 days ago

kuhuhu... i can sleep... but i aint doin it!!

axel-exe 🌧️ 9 days ago

lost motivation to clean room halfway through... gotta organize my figures and manga now...

axel-exe 🎮 12 days ago

having to explain to my friend how to walk in cod was the worst experience of the century i tell you.......

axel-exe 💀 19 days ago

deleted my twitter because that mistake really did keep me up at night

axel-exe 🙂 19 days ago

uh... so... bad thing happened...HELP

axel-exe 🍾 21 days ago

had ONE TOO MANY mtn dews (like four) and i MIGHT throw up.. uhhhh

axel-exe 🍱 25 days ago


axel-exe 🍱 29 days ago

easier said than done so yk what... i just wont do it

axel-exe 🍱 29 days ago

im the worst girlfriend, like ever... fuck, just kill me already...

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