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when lava pours out near the sea surface, tremendous volcanic explosions sometimes occur


ataraxia 💤 4 days ago

i would be so powerful if it wasnt for the tired sleepy

ataraxia 🐶 4 days ago

joyous sex with my whimsical boyfriend

ataraxia 😇 12 days ago

sometimes you just need to listen to megalovania unironically. and that's ok

ataraxia 🤖 18 days ago

beepbox is so fun this is so much better than onseq

ataraxia 🥳 21 days ago

experimenting with gender more

ataraxia 🙂 26 days ago

who up shunting they yard

ataraxia 🤔 28 days ago

i should get a skirt

ataraxia 😶 29 days ago

graduated from high school somehow?? i dont know how that happened but cool i guess

ataraxia 🤩 31 days ago

the tria prima controls all

ataraxia 😎 34 days ago

mortal kombat is so fun! i love over-the-top gore :D

ataraxia 😶 45 days ago

still rotting but at least its almost summer

ataraxia 😶 62 days ago

im so normal about this band

ataraxia 😶 78 days ago

rotting again

ataraxia 🥰 85 days ago

im normal again

ataraxia ✨ 91 days ago

man that new dungeon meshi episode huh

ataraxia 😛 92 days ago

the time will pass anyways

ataraxia 😛 94 days ago

guess who just got house of leaves

ataraxia 🙃 97 days ago

i need to read house of leaves so bad but it has one trillion holds at my library

ataraxia 😎 98 days ago

finally beat 0-5 on brutal omg

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