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aspen 🌈 14 hours ago

I went fishing for the first time ever (I was bad at it and it was fun)

aspen 👽 51 days ago

nvm I got sick again lmao

aspen 🌱 57 days ago

Had a really interesting week!! Got to do some leatherworking, trying stone carving tomorrow, and at the weekend, animal sanctuary visit!!

aspen 😴 58 days ago

I haven't been sleeping very well lately, not a big fan of that. It's the middle of the day and I'm trying so hard to stay awake.

aspen 👀 64 days ago

I'm actually really excited to get all my computer stuff up to date and ready to use, pc maintenance might just be my hobby now lmao

aspen ☀️ 69 days ago

Oh wow it's hot

aspen 💀 74 days ago

oof ow my bones

aspen ✈️ 75 days ago

Omw to the airport!! Nyoom!!

aspen 💾 77 days ago

im in windows xp land

aspen 🐶 77 days ago

nvm I walked the dog and he had a very good time

aspen 🌈 77 days ago

It's so sunny today & I think I am going to stay inside :)