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and if a chonny jash themed bus crashes into us


ashhmillr 😭 7 days ago

my brain is like dude its midnight you need to go to bed and im like aaagh im cooking

ashhmillr πŸ₯³ 9 days ago

murder and cannibalism woohoo!!!

ashhmillr πŸ«– 10 days ago

just made cookie dough and ate some of it and took meds. just now remembered im not supposed to eat for 2 hours before that. oh well

ashhmillr πŸ’” 12 days ago

my legs were hurting so much yesterday i barely could walk today ( what job does to a mf

ashhmillr πŸ’€ 15 days ago

i need to get melatoni

ashhmillr πŸ“Ί 17 days ago

i watched hazbin hotel and i love it

ashhmillr 😢 23 days ago

local artist takes it personally

ashhmillr 😭 25 days ago

i cannot do this amumore.. i cannot keep hiding behinf "owo" "yahoo" "meow" raaaahgh i need to kill pll me plsx its 4 am againm

ashhmillr 😱 25 days ago

aaaaa i feel awkward abt stuff i make grr!!!!

ashhmillr πŸ’» 26 days ago

it was a long day... <- havent slept last night

ashhmillr πŸ™‚ 27 days ago

"not people, but things that look like people sometimes"

ashhmillr 🎢 30 days ago

It feels like the end times It’s just another week

ashhmillr 🎢 31 days ago

I'm sorry, dear talking bird, but you didn't understand the string theory when you took my guitar, anyway

ashhmillr 😭 32 days ago

how am i supposed to be productive when the meds that would help me are banned in my country!!!

ashhmillr πŸ’» 34 days ago

math and (computer) science autism is real and i am a live proof of that

ashhmillr 🍾 38 days ago

Dizzy with something illicit he can't quite afford but'll keep his mind busy

ashhmillr 😭 39 days ago

i UNDERSTAND ppl wanting to have a background music playing on their sites BUT IT SCARES ME SO MUCH EVERY TIME

ashhmillr 🎢 39 days ago

SOTD: chonny jash - 3 paces away

ashhmillr 🎢 42 days ago

Covered in brand new bruises, but none that I remember

ashhmillr 🎢 44 days ago

i'm screaming for a life i cannot have!!!

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