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argoxi 💀 222 days ago

on holidays and yet my motivation for projects is nowhere to be seen...

argoxi 🫖 246 days ago

wow i love kuro lolita (lint rolling myself on the train rn)

argoxi 🥹 258 days ago

end of term… so many things to submit… no time to code… on the bright side i have two cds scanned and ripped and ready to put on the site…

argoxi 🎬 269 days ago

happy halloween!!! i saw the fnaf movie~

argoxi 🌙 278 days ago

i love jyushi so much (watched ra+ ep 3 finally)

argoxi 📺 287 days ago

new ra+ episode...

argoxi ✨ 292 days ago

homepage reworked! next stop: gallery overhaul...

argoxi 💻 293 days ago

i need to completely revamp my webpage and clean it up... half of the pages are still the same from like day 1 of my site...

argoxi 😯 301 days ago

house sitting :p

argoxi 💻 305 days ago

feeling like my site is boring ... need something cool to add

argoxi 📺 307 days ago

watching madoka for the first time c:

argoxi 🥳 309 days ago

things in the mail today

argoxi ✏️ 312 days ago

doing art kinda feels bad recently i must be burnt out

argoxi 😴 316 days ago

not enough sleep :(

argoxi 💀 316 days ago

inhaling so much smoke and ash because of these backburnings (=__=)

argoxi 🥰 317 days ago

so excited for faniris omanjuus...

argoxi 🥹 317 days ago

skipping class not feeling so great T__T