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aramid 🎮 23 hours ago

this big run is so peak........

aramid 💻 3 days ago

i need to learn how to automate site updates so bad

aramid 💻 4 days ago

almost done with my new about page. now i'm mainly just figuring out what content i want to put there

aramid 💻 9 days ago

need to code but i have no idea how i want things to look aside from the general layout its over....

aramid 💻 16 days ago

going to try and update my website soon. hopefully sometime before next week at the absolute latest

aramid 💤 22 days ago

trying to code while sleep deprived is not going well

aramid 😭 24 days ago

the pain of wanting to save money instead of buying shit you don't even need.....

aramid 🎮 26 days ago

i should have gone to college instead of playing brain rotting games all day

aramid 😭 31 days ago

i swear my internet always goes down whenever i'm home alone WHYYYYY

aramid 💻 34 days ago

nvm don't think i need to take a break anymore but site updates are still gonna be slow for a little bit

aramid ☀️ 35 days ago

ac broke. i'll try and get my blog up later tonight but i probably won't be able to do much site work for a bit TT_TT

aramid 😭 35 days ago

i'm tempted to post what i have for my blog layout already but my brain is convinced it feels too placeholdery :(

aramid 🎨 35 days ago

drawing for yourself is so freeing

aramid 📺 36 days ago

i should start using MAL again. i have such a good user on there just to not use it

aramid 💻 37 days ago

i finished coding my new about page a few days ago but didn't update it until now cause i spent most of the past two days drawing lol

aramid 😭 41 days ago

i'm so nervous to learn how to drive even though i have to

aramid 💻 42 days ago

just noticed how much my site's starting to come together. i'm really glad :D

aramid 💻 44 days ago

i spent all day today coding

aramid 😶 45 days ago

i need meds so bad it's not even funny

aramid 💻 48 days ago

finally finished my site's about me page! :D

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