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aquariumaesthetic 🙂 20 days ago

gale is officially my favorite oc but i draw sunny the most. my actual favorite is regis though. SORRY GIRLS. NOT EVERYONE MAKES VARSITY

aquariumaesthetic 💤 33 days ago

i kept checking my phone bcos i could swear i could hear its vibrations, but it was literally just my partner snoring upstairs

aquariumaesthetic 🌈 35 days ago

art fight soon! i'm working on refs hehe. let's go team seafoam!!!

aquariumaesthetic 🙂 50 days ago

i love how overtly homosexual rune factory 4 is. i just wish there was gay marraige. apparently not even the switch version has it.

aquariumaesthetic ❤️ 58 days ago

fact: i was IN LOVE with pokemon champion cynthia when i was like 13 years old. this explains a lot about me, i feel

aquariumaesthetic 💀 59 days ago

my af page is so dusty. time to revamp my refs fr

aquariumaesthetic ☀️ 59 days ago

Successfully hacked my 3DS btw! I'll probably write about the experience soon. Plus got my partner hooked on pkmn leaf green lol

aquariumaesthetic ☀️ 65 days ago

Hacking my 3DS! Once I figure out the Twilight Menu, I'll update my ACNL skin tone guide

aquariumaesthetic 💤 65 days ago

i tackled one of the things triggering my anxiety today. doing my best :')

aquariumaesthetic 😭 69 days ago

my anxiety has been so bad lately T__T i can't even open discord without getting overwhelmed

aquariumaesthetic 🌈 80 days ago

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