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applesauce ❄️ 222 days ago

Not been very active w the website, and about to go on vacation

applesauce ❄️ 223 days ago

doing the digital packing for my vacation~

applesauce ❤️ 232 days ago

every second i am sober i feel lost and depressed

applesauce ❄️ 235 days ago

its WINDY and COLD

applesauce ☀️ 236 days ago

Stayed up late last night, but got a lot done

applesauce 🌈 240 days ago

Making friends online!! Yippee

applesauce ☀️ 241 days ago

Lazy but been working hard lately so its ok

applesauce 🙂 242 days ago

Finally finished downloading all of my music from everywhere yay

applesauce 😭 243 days ago

very apprehensive about doing presents this year but want to!!! argh

applesauce ❄️ 244 days ago

hashire sori yo, kaze no you ni, tsukimihara wo....

applesauce 🌧️ 245 days ago

feeling overwhelmed & guilty

applesauce 🎁 246 days ago

Happy birthday Miki Hoshii! So glad so many people celebrate!

applesauce 🍞 246 days ago

Finally mastered making biscuits! And just in time too!

applesauce 🌈 248 days ago

Tired? Sad? Denpa's radio waves make that all go away~!

applesauce 💤 250 days ago

so eepy... no idea what to do just wanna keep eeping... but cant...

applesauce 🌈 253 days ago

i finally figured it out. after much deliberation my gender is whatever Bugs Bunny is doing

applesauce 🎤 254 days ago

My IPod just came in!!!

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