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anno 🍿 150 days ago

Movie night!!

anno 🌧️ 160 days ago

Having a pretty rough day sadly :(

anno 😭 165 days ago

Thinking of getting rid of the garden section of my site... its a nice thought but I never feeling doing more with it!

anno πŸ™‚ 166 days ago

I am really liking Dungeon Meshi so far!! Maybe I should read the Manga….

anno πŸ‘€ 183 days ago

Got a job kinda!!

anno ✨ 191 days ago

i am excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anno 🀩 195 days ago

Maybe I should add a Drag Queen section to my Favorites page...

anno 😑 218 days ago

Being unemployed SUCKS

anno πŸ“Ί 221 days ago

Finished Desperate Housewives today!! what a crazy show...

anno πŸ‘½ 226 days ago

I think I am gonna make a Cosmic Horror shrine on my site hehehe

anno πŸ™‚ 229 days ago

To anyone reading this: dont be afraid of communication and honesty! they are magical things!!

anno πŸ₯³ 234 days ago

Last day of college (for now) is today!!! YAY!!!!!

anno 🌱 236 days ago

Trying to figure out a good way to make a proper digital garden! Looking for something that I can make but also wouldn't be hard to update!!

anno 😑 239 days ago

I HATE class presentations!!!

anno πŸ˜› 242 days ago

SO close to graduating!!! Then I can start working on my site again hehehe

anno 🌧️ 244 days ago

rainy day :)))

anno 😭 252 days ago

Didnt get a job I wanted :(

anno πŸ€’ 266 days ago

Get this sickness OUTTA ME

anno πŸ™‚ 268 days ago

I’m finally gonna have time to write and draw more soon!! Very exciting! The looming spectre of the job search might disrupt that though >:(

anno 😭 323 days ago

Im gonna be so busy with school and work this semester, so I probably wont update myself very much until I graduate in December!

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