anemone 🥺 197 days ago
wish i could play mmorpg without the mms sometimes...
wish i could play mmorpg without the mms sometimes...
i don't understand.
i miss my dogs...
cats are bigger than i thought...
ok, i see how it is.
i don't want to work.
wah! it logged me out!
summer is almost over...
i keep wasting money on silly things!
i'm hungry, but i already brushed my teeth.
oopps, i forgot
i saw a male cardinal bird feed it's mate in my backyard today!
great haul from the thrift store today!
my head hurts
i bought a spider plant. may it have a long life.
well, going to stay up until i pass out, i guess
it's so cold outside. i can't wait for spring.
so sleepy...have an early day tomorrow...
i'm playing a lot of video games again.
i'm going to find a movie to watch.