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amivicky 📖 9 hours ago

just ordered: - CCS collector's ed. vol 3 - A sign of affection vol 9 - A condition called love vol 9 so much to reeeead~

amivicky ☀️ 11 days ago

it's so hot and muggy, makes me sleepy

amivicky 🌧️ 28 days ago

rainy daaaays I'm thinkin bout you

amivicky ☀️ 32 days ago

new layout! wheeee!

amivicky ❤️ 51 days ago

back on that love nikki grind in prep for infinity nikki, send help

amivicky 🤩 73 days ago

anime convention this weekend, what will i get my grubby little hands on

amivicky 🥰 113 days ago

convention and concert this weekend!!

amivicky 🥱 136 days ago

Back home! Now for a day to recombobulate (-_-) zzZ

amivicky 😎 151 days ago

one more week of work then it's time to chill!

amivicky 🔥 158 days ago

2 weeks until my trip...

amivicky 😎 163 days ago

new layout new me

amivicky ❄️ 241 days ago

in my gen x soft club era

amivicky ❤️ 345 days ago

i added a button to the links page! if you like my site please link me and let me know so i can link you back! (⌒▽⌒)☆

amivicky 🤖 349 days ago

working on turning the blog into an rss feed - bear with me please!

amivicky 🐶 351 days ago

It's Shiro's birthday! Happy 8th birthday my beautiful boy <3

amivicky 🙂 354 days ago

hi everyone! i'm still here, hoping to update the site soon <3

amivicky 🐱 381 days ago

hey friends - not actually scraping it, just reinventing it. you'll like what's coming!

amivicky 🥹 387 days ago

thinking about scrapping my entire site and starting over if i'm being honest

amivicky 💻 388 days ago

first status! hooray!