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Hey there ~ I'm Alys!



alys-realm 😭 20 hours ago

looking at pc parts and crying

alys-realm 🤩 1 day ago

try not to rescue all of the craft supplies at the christian thrift store (so many old ladies to donate..) challenge: LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE

alys-realm 👀 4 days ago

Coding? Or staring at the wall.... hmmmm

alys-realm 🥱 6 days ago

finally completely erasing my existence off twitter. tee hee

alys-realm 📺 7 days ago

If Bill Compton has 0 haters than I am dead. I wanna see him suffer an eternity experiencing medieval torture. I hate his confederate ass

alys-realm 🥺 8 days ago

@last status, I mean ERIC NORTHMAN* Because i am declaring him baby girl now!!

alys-realm 🧐 9 days ago

the Spike-ification of Eric Northwood rn ??🤔

alys-realm 😡 10 days ago

ohhhh im so irritated right now. My code that was fine is now broken and i said i was gonna upload my already finished page td LOL

alys-realm 🤩 10 days ago

i might have cracked the 'website' "code" FINALLY

alys-realm 🤩 27 days ago

free sewing machine what we making !!!!

alys-realm ✨ 30 days ago

just got a haircut finally i feel so FANCY :D

alys-realm ✏️ 33 days ago

making a site is not supposed to be stressful making a site is not supposed to be stressful making a

alys-realm 🤖 38 days ago

CYBERPUNK EDGERUNNERS?!?!?!?!?! HELLO!?!?!? f yeah choom

alys-realm 💀 44 days ago

I feel like my site updates are so slow compared to literally everyone else lol.

alys-realm 😛 56 days ago

hey all (if any1 is actually seeing this) it's been a while! hang tight though because im almost done with my update

alys-realm 😯 70 days ago

oh she's playing valorant again ...

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