driving a car is truly the greatest curse a person can be afflicted with.
- Homepage
- https://alongcomesmary.neocities.org/
- alongcomes.webmaster@proton.me
- About
Welcome, welcome!
My site may imbue in you a sense of... old stuff. That's good! I certainly enjoy that! You may also find I use too many exclamation points!!!
watched the newest eps of iasip and what we do in the shadows! iasip was really good + prolly best in the season tbh
go team venture !
OOPS hi!! i've been out lately b/c i've been on a trip... but i'm back! I got to go to this wicked store chain that had a bunch of DVDs.
idk if I'm gonna finish my movie for today uhuhuhuhuh. its mikey and nicky. ive seen a bunch of nichols stuff, but no may!
mimimimimiimimimimmmimimi i have worked out the basis for my gallery yay!!!
should prolly put an art section on here but urhgrhhrghrg
i have officially decreed that im not adjusting the side stuff for the sake of not full screens. the main part is ok formatted anyhoo!!
updatin' the site. we love to see it !
watching a MOVIE . Kino etc etc.
adding a thingie to link me . free excuse to make a button
BUTTONS on my site are donE! ! but ... it reminds me -- I totally don't know where my Bookends album cover button is! HUh! great album tho
omg if only someone had told me how tedious html is omg !!! its worth it though
watching jurassic world and idk. im missing . the. camp of the sequels .
STAR TREK!!! working on stsb stuff, my fan project for star trek. heehehhehe
decorating my new sketchbook! I wanna put my MRI scans on there. that'd be so metal