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About Adrianne...

Just your everyday nerdette of many trades. I'll fix this profile page later!


adriculous 💀 10 days ago

I've been gone for a while because life got in the way. I got so much to do outside the interwebs - preparing for a weekend trip and all...

adriculous 🤖 53 days ago

I added my Apple Music J-Pop Playlist (still outdated) to ADRIANNE'S SPACE. I'll update it in the near future!

adriculous 🙂 76 days ago

You know what I miss? #100DaysOfCode I wonder if I'll post about it here instead of TwitterXYZ?

adriculous 🙂 89 days ago

Man, I'm sore all over... and I have to work overtime tomorrow too...

adriculous ✨ 91 days ago

Whew~ work today has been productive. Time to go home

adriculous 🙂 92 days ago

Free dinner for fundraising later tonight~ yay!

adriculous 🙂 92 days ago

Finished Detective Pikachu Returns. I'm a casual Pokemon fan, but I really like the Detective Pikachu lore~ Hm, what to play next?

adriculous 🥰 92 days ago

San Francisco Potato Salad.... definitely one of a kind~

adriculous 🔥 93 days ago

I have a new personal project to kill some extra lunch period time. I'll be drawing some random piece of art a day and make an art journal.

adriculous ❤️ 93 days ago

My very post status! Thank you for having me! But I got work... ssigh...