achillea โ๏ธ 15 days ago
getting coffee with evie later!!!! I've missed her AHH
getting coffee with evie later!!!! I've missed her AHH
very sleepy these days :(
haven't been feeling too good again :(
got locked out of my computer!!! >< back now at least yay
oh!! and felix keeps talking about how he wants 2 take me to england... he's so cute >_<
so happy... I luv goo goo dolls!! ^o^
i wanna wake up where yuo aree... i wont say anything at all!!!โกโกโกโกโกโก
used the wrong emoticon TT
my heart just sort of aches?
i feel a little lost... hoping 2 find my way soon
got sick again...
feeling a little better now... felix taught me how 2 do more emoticons =)
goin 2 see felix' band later!! ^_^
making this look pretty is hard...
hello computer!! ^_^