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363787 🙂 7 days ago

today i'm ACTUALLY going to do work (lying)

363787 🙃 9 days ago

i hate being so scared all the time

363787 🥰 11 days ago

yayyy my power figure arrived

363787 🌈 18 days ago

site remodel finally done ^///^

363787 🤔 20 days ago

might stay up all night working on a new (self-made!) site prototype

363787 🥺 22 days ago

job interview right now wish me luck please

363787 🤐 24 days ago

as soon as its job related i still have all the social anxiety i did when i was a kid

363787 ☀️ 30 days ago

i feel very alive this beautiful summer afternoon

363787 🌈 34 days ago

going to a local pride mixer, hopefully i have fun :]

363787 🥺 36 days ago

wish me luck on my job interviewwwww

363787 👀 36 days ago

job interview tomorrow omg... im nervous

363787 🤒 39 days ago

im so insufferable once i realize i have a crush

363787 💔 42 days ago

i wish i could fix someone else's problems for them

363787 📖 45 days ago

lowkey i have a bachelors degree now

363787 🎁 49 days ago

happy (belated) 80th birthday to Revolver Ocelot you old hag

363787 🥱 51 days ago

my number one problem is that i hate doing work lmao

363787 💀 52 days ago

i hate when media i like disappoints me, yknow? new csm chapter sucks

363787 💔 55 days ago

god i wish solid snake was real and my friend

363787 🤐 59 days ago


363787 💀 77 days ago

just got jumpscared by a centipede while showering. fuck all life

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