sick as a dog so i've been bingewatching mygo and avemujica
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- some little freak online
babies mean so much more chores... good thing my niece is so cute
free from application hell and ready to chill forever
i dont want to do big scary applications i want to watch idol anime T_T
*through gritted teeth* chat we can just lock in and we'll be so back
having my bedtime green tea and hoping for a peaceful work day tomorrow U_U
i have the opposite of plany of time i have no time at all and im so screwed
so much snow at my parents' house ^~^
no other video game is ever gonna be signalis. holy shit.
ughhh so annoying that you have to reach out and seize life in order to live it fully -__-
scaredy mcscaredperson over here trying to write a convincing statement of interest whilst shaking like a leaf
having to present yourself professionally is the scariest thing invented
born to be a medieval monk, forced to apply to jobs online
had a dream where i looked like solid snake and it made me so happy i cried. which could mean nothing.
starting my grad school application for real now... nervous
happy halloween :>
did nothing at all today!!!! like a loser!!!!!
idc if its cringe Love Live concert videos are awesome. i would die to be there for strawberry trapper live
new look for da homepage