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256rem 🎱 1 day ago

got my renfaire outfit together 🃏

256rem 💔 2 days ago

got lost in a world of symbols and forgot what they represented

256rem 💡 5 days ago

what kind of person are you?

256rem ☕️ 7 days ago

got a haircut and starbucks

256rem 🙂 9 days ago

i want to have a day that isn't just okay or alright or fine. i want to have a good day

256rem 📰 12 days ago

working on startpage

256rem 😱 18 days ago


256rem 😇 40 days ago

i've been so offline lately ough

256rem 🥹 53 days ago

bought myself new internet after it was out for a week

256rem 👽 60 days ago

took an art sabbatical to painstakingly curate my index... man i miss drawing

256rem 🤩 64 days ago

php sucks