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2254 ✈️ 53 days ago

meow meow meowww

2254 🙂 53 days ago

I feel like I've been injected into the lower back of my skull with a horse tranquilizer

2254 ✈️ 59 days ago

Gurglr gurglr gur gle gurgle gurggggllll mgnghfhnngng gnggggg ghhghhgkghchg mmnngh whfcns center tag wont work :-( nnnnnnnghrh ghkgkkkhgkkkk

2254 ✈️ 59 days ago

Holay molayy

2254 ✈️ 66 days ago

I got into Digimon again I really want to play some of the games but I can't on this laptop (school)

2254 ✈️ 67 days ago

certain part of "Fear Garden" is stuck in my head but listening to the song it doesn't exist but I don't know what song it is then.,.,.,,,

2254 ✈️ 67 days ago

I'M REMAKING THE WHOLE SITE so i'm still working on it it just wont look it for a bit until I like,, change the homepage link :-D

2254 ✈️ 70 days ago

ok biig never mind I just made it black and white for simplicity reasons !! (and it wont make me go insane) ^_________^

2254 ✈️ 72 days ago

Trying to make the colours look like a specific Malice Mizer flyer :-))) (failing miserably)

2254 ✈️ 72 days ago

Yipeee Yipee yipie waho woohooo yayy yayayayyaya yippeeeeeeee yaey yeayyyy yyyyyyyyaaaaaah

2254 🙂 72 days ago

Yipeee Yipee yipie waho woohooo yayy yayayayyaya yippeeeeeeee yaey yeayyyy yyyyyyyyaaaaaah

2254 ✈️ 72 days ago

Yipeee Yipee yipie waho woohooo yayy yayayayyaya yippeeeeeeee yaey yeayyyy yyyyyyyyaaaaaah yeahhhhhh yayayayayayay

2254 💾 73 days ago

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

2254 🙂 73 days ago

Messing w/ the colours of the site ^__^ !! I'm trying to make it mimic certain cites, I don't remember the names of them ;;

2254 🙂 74 days ago

I plan to remake this entire website but with table tags and inevitably regret it later but who cares :-3 !

2254 💻 74 days ago

I've been tired nonstop the past few months and it's only getting worse.

2254 🙂 74 days ago

I replaced the updateLog with the status thing because it's easier for me and I think it's nice.