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1983-2001 😴 110 days ago

paranoia returns... dot dot dot...

1983-2001 🌈 127 days ago

Everyone should have fun every day and bad things should never happen. Let's party!!

1983-2001 😴 130 days ago

Honestly not a big fan of music

1983-2001 😯 166 days ago

NOT ENOUGH TIME IN LIFE!!! so many things I want to do right this second ... ending up just doing NOTHING!!! headache approaches...

1983-2001 ❤️ 167 days ago

You Keep On Looking by Gary Wilson is stuck in my head. Also thinking about Colin Mochrie... Love him!

1983-2001 💤 182 days ago

never mind... Code of all kinds = MY ENEMY today...

1983-2001 😛 182 days ago

time to make a fun time funny page for my site... WINNING IN LIFE! I love to have fun.

1983-2001 🙂 183 days ago

you can call me al by paul simon and where it's at by beck are my 2 best friends in the whole world