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im fourteen four!

i made my website with the intent of spotlighting my creative work, but after seeing a lot of other cool websites i wanted to set aside some space on it for my personal life too... this is part of that! ^_^

i seem to write a lot about food...


1444 ❤️ 11 days ago


1444 🙂 23 days ago

a quiet place: day one was very very good and i appreciate the angle! also, the upcoming alien movie looks so cool??!!!

1444 🌈 24 days ago

finished pikmin 4 again! i usually don't drop the full $60 on games but pikmin 4 is very well worth it, even more fun the 2nd time!

1444 ❄️ 29 days ago

feel like i've actually done a lot this month but not anything Big enough to count as my june upload... hm.. also replaying pikmin 4 YAAAY

1444 🌈 36 days ago

yaay yipeee yay!

1444 🙂 38 days ago

abandoning my js-light philosophy for some major future-proofing changes to the site. (also because no server-side on neocities..)

1444 🤒 38 days ago

the shower head fell off while i was showering 6 hours ago and water got blasted directly into my right eye and it's still sore

1444 ❤️ 50 days ago

rewatched the matrix... i feel it's on a level no movie will ever come close to.

1444 🙂 58 days ago

i have a dr monster appointment with dr monster

1444 🙂 58 days ago

sounds.. rhythms... songs even...

1444 💤 67 days ago

oldtwitter + new twitter domain not working on firefox is prob the last straw for me on that cursed site... waiting for bsky video uploads!

1444 ☀️ 72 days ago

job interview tomorrow.........

1444 🙂 76 days ago

Finished my paper!!! My last semester's officially over!!!

1444 🙂 77 days ago

made a soundcloud alt out of pure despair

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