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alias: zwerg

pronomen: he/him, er/ihm

sprachen: en, de

standort: usa, leider

beruf: wissenschaft

God, am I lonely.
— Herbert Marcuse


zwerg 📚 3 days ago

melville's prose is like if dickens was actually as clever as he believed himself to be

zwerg 🔥 13 days ago

please be reassured, we seek no wider war

zwerg 💀 16 days ago

there are some windows me compusa promotional watches on ebay and i want one but there's no way those batteries haven't corroded inside them

zwerg 😎 19 days ago

i feel like such a 1337 h4x0r when i use an awk command in the terminal

zwerg 📺 23 days ago

love looking through simpsons screencap accounts on instagram for all the people commenting classic lines in different languages. universal.

zwerg 🥳 26 days ago

it's my cute boyfriend's birthday. everyone wish my cute boyfriend a happy birthday. :3

zwerg 🌱 28 days ago

i wish my local parks weren't all bisected by fuckin expressways lol

zwerg 💻 31 days ago

topre switches do not feel that different from any other dome with slider switch, we have been bamboozled

zwerg 🤔 34 days ago

i automatically distrust any "privacy" product or service with a considerable advertising budget