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alias: zwerg

pronomen: he/him, er/ihm

sprachen: en, de

standort: usa, leider

beruf: wissenschaft

God, am I lonely.
— Herbert Marcuse


zwerg 🎮 1 day ago

replaced my laptop's battery today, how are we doing fellow gamers

zwerg 🍾 7 days ago

thiiiis close to being gainfully employed again

zwerg ✈️ 54 days ago

guy on the plane vaping and blowing it into the sick bag the whole flight

zwerg 🚄 64 days ago

Cities I Like and Good Cities are entirely separate categories. boston sucks extremely, but it charms me nonetheless.

zwerg 🐶 90 days ago

neuter your dog or I will!

zwerg 🎷 105 days ago

everyone should have an instrument to be mediocre at. it's good for you

zwerg 😶 121 days ago

yeah, sure, i'll try your Open-Source YouTube Alternative. what do you have on there? insane videos by nazis? cool... got anything else? no?

zwerg ☀️ 125 days ago

making sizzling noises the second i step out in the sun

zwerg 🍞 145 days ago

kneading dough is fun and easy, but everyone tries to get out of it like it's some big pain in the ass

zwerg 👀 160 days ago

always thought hi-chews were medicinal for some reason, only now finding out that they're actually gum you can eat

zwerg 📚 182 days ago

melville's prose is like if dickens was actually as clever as he believed himself to be

zwerg 🥳 205 days ago

it's my cute boyfriend's birthday. everyone wish my cute boyfriend a happy birthday. :3