rotting forver
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i play games,
i forget things
ok ok gn. I won't sleep if I don't now
hi swirly :3
i dont wanna sleep but i have to :(
so cold recently!!!!
today was kinda miserable but at least it snowed
2 WINS ON fort in a Row yippepie
mom made rice with salad again .. even thoug this is like the 982734928374927th time I've ate it its pretty yummy
lost some of my isaac data ...... noooo.......
Why are video games so big nowadays :(
Playing fortnite . ON 90 ping 😭😭
tried playing osu .. very rusty after a long break but i wasn't too bad just played songs i liked to maintain the passion(?)
oh man i finally got my first ssd!! everything's running so fASTTTTTT
now ring fit is about to kick my ass
been grinding daily quests for the diamond shop for like 200 years though ughhh
Got a new GD icon or two ... finally got enough orbs
in an insane tboi run rn lmaoo 28 dmg with like fast shot speed ... and its AZAZEL..
in a 22min long puyo puyo tetris marathon game... ffs. ... 526 lines cleared... imma die