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absolutely GONKED at this very moment in time me if you even care


whereitrains 😇 119 days ago

font hunting!! it sucks out here!!

whereitrains 📺 122 days ago

fuck this I want to go back to the time where I played on my 2ds and took care of my petz cat and jumped around in super mario bros

whereitrains 💤 123 days ago

it's funny how fast time passes when you're playing with your little css lines

whereitrains 🥰 123 days ago

some of you are the realest people I hope u know that..

whereitrains 🌧️ 124 days ago

I've been stardew valleying for far too long.. also just downloaded life is strange. hope to play it soon

whereitrains 🤖 131 days ago

my phone has fried my brain but I plan to unfry it. productivity coming soon !!

whereitrains 🙂 142 days ago

throw back to the time I thought all meat was chicken

whereitrains 😴 155 days ago

group work can suck a lot sometimes. sometimes not.

whereitrains 👽 172 days ago

google search how to. have a thought?

whereitrains 🤒 172 days ago

why is it that everytime I go outside to do something productive and fun like skateboarding or running I feel like I'm being watched

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