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snipchu 🌧️ 18 days ago

Um..... I haven't done any work but I want to work on my website so bad :( Schoolwork must go first or I will fail my class

snipchu 🐶 19 days ago

This tama brainrot is so bad I can't even function properly

snipchu 🌧️ 20 days ago

living in a christian family sucks because i only get saturday to relax

snipchu 📚 21 days ago

i hope i dont become a high school dropout... really dont want to peak in highschool

snipchu 🐶 22 days ago

i really want the tama connect v4.5 but they're stupidly expensive ;_; maybe i might buy the uni instead

snipchu 🥳 24 days ago


snipchu 💻 24 days ago

mmm yes i took 1 hour to figure out that you need to reference the object itself and not the attribute to change it on js i am so stupid👍

snipchu ✏️ 24 days ago

I really don't want to be 16 yet T_T at least we're off to a good start aka animating on my 3ds for 3 hrs

snipchu 📱 25 days ago

I have zero impulse control.... Dad I'm so sorry

snipchu 🤖 26 days ago

i officially have Lockheed Martin socks now (also my team scored 2nd place in cyberquest but that doesnt matter✌️)

snipchu ❤️ 27 days ago

My older sister made me a yellow and green bracelet that reminds me of Cantelope and i love it so much!!!!!! I'm gonna wear it everyday

snipchu 💻 28 days ago

Help how do i sign in to the cyberquest group chat . why are the credentials not working. help

snipchu 💻 29 days ago

I figured out how to save color mode in a localstorage! Even though it took me like 1.5 hours I FINALLY GOT IT!! I feel smart now

snipchu ☀️ 29 days ago

So excited for codequest!! (But im so sad we aren't allowed to take pictures or record inside)

snipchu ☀️ 30 days ago

Working really hard on my website and it is going awesome (I am procrastinating on my psych homework)

snipchu 💻 30 days ago

make a color palette accessible is killing me on the inside.. My vibrant color palette is now desaturated dark depression :(

snipchu 🤐 33 days ago

wait .Sent my friend my blog page and i just remembered i wrote something embarrassing on it a while ago I hope they don’t find it

snipchu 🌧️ 34 days ago

holy fuck i suck at comforting people .if ur reading this im so sorry i tried my best

snipchu ☀️ 34 days ago

Im following a pyqt6 tutorial right now and *wow* it really is that easy... (or maybe its just bc its python lol)

snipchu 🌙 36 days ago

hate my fucking parents

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