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shibi 🌙 25 days ago

Remaking anime/manga page because it's insanely outdated

shibi 🌙 82 days ago

I haven't been updating because I have nothing to say, and frankly the repeated situations with my webhost killed a lot of motivation.

shibi 🌙 168 days ago

holding a big rock carefully watching my site doesn't revert again

shibi 🌙 224 days ago


shibi 🌙 226 days ago

Disregard, updated anyway.

shibi 🌙 338 days ago

i wanna play a really good walking sim so bad

shibi 🌙 410 days ago

I need to update a lot of links but don't have the motivation to do anything so everyone will just have to deal with it.

shibi 🌙 432 days ago


shibi 🌙 446 days ago

life is rough

shibi 🌙 462 days ago

Just gonna sit back and see if the imgur purge hits me, I can't be assed tbh

shibi 🌙 478 days ago

Link hunting as we speak >:3c

shibi 🌙 480 days ago

What the fuck is a sleep schedule.

shibi 🌙 499 days ago

*incoherent screaming*

shibi 🌙 536 days ago

My heart isn't in it...

shibi 🌙 536 days ago

Actually hopefully there's a sizable update today but I don't know. Maybe a small update.

shibi 🌙 536 days ago

i don't wanna update...

shibi 🌙 548 days ago

RIP C*okie's B*stle stamps (until whatever up with that trademark stops happening)

shibi 🌙 597 days ago

Sorry for no updates, updating isn't as easy as it used to be. Tried P*pa J*hns for the first time. It was very bad.

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