It seems that changing the landing page of the website greatly diminishes the bandwith usage of the website. We'll see in 31 days

- Homepage
- About
- French comic-book and CYOA nerd. Likes to read a lot, listen to synthwave and eating chocolate/candies. Unreliable writer of the Matchaprika Club HTML/CSS code. Warning : will post in french sometimes.
Can't believe I would change my mind about it. It's uncanny but after a while it just feels... natural.
Can't wait for taking new pictures and update the website...
Matcha's bound to arrive within a wekk, I am sooooo impatient ! I can't wait !!!!!
considering making a landing page instead of using the main page of the website
Ponchos are the best thing that has evern been created
It's a brand new day !
Working 9 days in a row, I'm fucking EXHAUSTED
*takes breakfast at 4 AM while working on the website code* I'm 100% normal, I swear !
Whoever came up with the name of "Tupperwave" for Vaporwave is a genius !
"I don't care if it's a sin, tell me you love these forbidden lips" 🎵
After years of hearing about it, I'm finally going to watch "Rozen Maiden" !
Rotterdam is super crowded, delivery delayed I guess
Fresh shipment of pony beads soon, I'm super super super excited !!
New year, new me ! (I say as I shove my previous clone in a recycling factory line) Heppy Njuw Jär everyone !
Voilà ! Bavardages terminés ! Enfin !! YOUHOUUUUUUUUUU !!! En Janvier j'attaque les piles du mois !
Toujours téléblastée qu'un ordinateur coûte moins cher qu'un intelliphone
I have two moods : Normal or Paprika brain rot
Hope remains, it won't be easy, it won't be quick but it can happen. Let's do this !