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kawaii_saga 🐱 26 days ago

please stop the violence

kawaii_saga 😇 30 days ago

yes girl give us nothing!!!

kawaii_saga 😭 32 days ago

:3 they both they both they both they both they both reached for the gun the gun the gun the gun the gun they both-

kawaii_saga 🐱 38 days ago

what is my status today?

kawaii_saga 🙂 88 days ago

Living in the digital dream, where nothing is real but the loneliness <3

kawaii_saga 😱 95 days ago


kawaii_saga 🌧️ 96 days ago

A girl no more, now light she breathes, In boundless love, her essence weaves 🎵

kawaii_saga ☕️ 96 days ago

I should have gotten breakfast this morning....

kawaii_saga 😭 100 days ago

I'm so tired!! why do all of my finals have to be back-to-back... :(

kawaii_saga 😯 103 days ago

The neverending passage of time... [sadface]

kawaii_saga ❤️ 107 days ago

Some people are SO cool like too cool for me and i want to worship them as a religious figure for existing its not FAIRR!!!

kawaii_saga 📚 110 days ago

Thoughts pile into stacks and then topple over.. /lyr

kawaii_saga 🥳 110 days ago

so tired :( sometimes I wish certain people would go extinct!

kawaii_saga 😱 113 days ago

I cut my hand on a rusty pullup bar..

kawaii_saga ❤️ 115 days ago

I love you, Sasha! <3

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