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isoprene 💀 289 days ago

sleepies have not abated... i am blaming this weird headache knot thats been in the back of my head all week

isoprene 🙂 289 days ago

went to bed at 7 pm last night lads and let me tell you. i don't think it helped.

isoprene 😴 290 days ago

how is it that i slept 9 hours and i'm still so sleepy. scientists explain this

isoprene 😴 291 days ago

even sleepier than yesterday somehow. send help

isoprene 😴 291 days ago

didn't even break 100 words today lads... the sleepies got me in a vice grip

isoprene 😴 292 days ago

why is the update box and all the emojis squished into a tiny sliver on the left now wtf. anyway (falls unconscious)

isoprene 😴 292 days ago

did manage to hit par for the day but didn't make quite as much progress as i'd hoped... but i wrote 6k on friday so it's k

isoprene 🥳 292 days ago

engaged in my first and probably only nc trade to get the wocky i wanted as a kid a nice cute face. i am working on arietis i swear

isoprene 😴 293 days ago

no energy..... no spoons.... dying of sleepyitis.....

isoprene 🤔 293 days ago

had no trouble falling asleep but woke up after only like 2 hours feeling super awake. i can only have good naps when i don't want to nap.

isoprene 🥺 293 days ago

it WAS arietis time but then my laptop decided to be very naughty and mean for like 2 hours. where is the pensive emoji on this web site!

isoprene ✏️ 293 days ago

arietis time

isoprene 😴 294 days ago

need to pick someone for my next profile but i am SO slerpy i mean sleepy but i think that typo is really funny so im keeping it

isoprene ✏️ 294 days ago

the answer was no, but back to the grind

isoprene 🤔 294 days ago

can i finish this bio and watch kaiji with friends at the same time?? let's find out

isoprene 🙂 295 days ago

almost done with scorpius' backstory at long last but realizing i Uhhh forgot to mention ophius like. anywhere. Oopie

isoprene 💀 295 days ago

what do you mean theres a lil baby word limit. what is this some kind of... status updater or something

isoprene 💀 295 days ago

i forgor i registered for this oopie. anyway almost done with scorpius' history section... then just gotta do rp history, abilities, entire-

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