Definitely a lesson for me to write out the entire story FIRST before posting so I can at least have an outline...

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A fog creechur that won’t hesitate to steal your Dr. Pepper 🥤
Will post updates here about fics I'm writing and other assorted things!
"Live for those who love you!" ❤️
Pretending my OC's side story doesn't exist with the hopes that it will get up and write the last two chapters itself...xD
For my LilFaf enjoyers on AO3, more fics of them are being drafted...🤭
Listen to May You Never Forget Me by Tamachii. You’re welcome!
Sick as all hell today but still trying to write b/c I'M STUBBORN
Got around to creating a blanket permissions thing! I doubt I’ll ever need it since I mostly write OC stuff, but it’s good to have JIC!
old WIPs haunting me like all the men Odysseus lost to Poseidon 😂
I'm finishing this one shot fic before Infinity Nikki releases on Wednesday OR SO HELP ME >:O
AYEEEEEE knocked out two 100 words fics for a challenge on Dreamwidth! Now back to writing the bigger stuff!
Currently in my "GOD why can't this fic finish itself" era xD Thankfully almost done (70%) with my TWST SebekSkully fic!
My entire mood for November is: “what a year this week has been” xD