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(∩´∀`)∩ hello i am celine, the cutest girl on planet earth ~~

i like television, web design, rpg maker games and drawing

I mostly post about video games, and my day to day life ! i'd love to go through this in the future and relive my memories(((*p∀`*)ノ


celine 🤒 391 days ago

me resisting touching my website rn because i cant just be updating daily

celine 🌈 395 days ago

getting my nails done tommorrow, very excited! ^_^

celine ✈️ 396 days ago

i am travelling to italy this summer! so excited ♪(^∇^*)

celine ✏️ 399 days ago


celine 🙂 403 days ago

gosh i just finished season 3 of pll and i am so happy im watching this now and not in 2012. if i had to wait a year id be pissed

celine 🎮 403 days ago

playing sims 4 lawl

celine 🤒 406 days ago

having the worst cramps ive ever felt literally going to cry

celine 📺 407 days ago

BLACK MIRROR SEASON 6 CAME OUT omg i am screaming !!

celine 🎮 410 days ago

playing the game pocket mirror!!! its so nicely made

celine 🎮 420 days ago

ive been playing sm games from the vgperson site!!

celine ✈️ 424 days ago

might go to france this summer and i cant contain my happiness

celine 📚 425 days ago

i cant wait for school to finally end!!

celine 🎬 426 days ago

and who am i? that's one secret i'll never tell! you know you love me, xoxo gossip girl

celine 😡 427 days ago

literally banging my head on the wall, i can not find my stylus ヽ( `д´*)ノ

celine ⛵ 427 days ago

finally finished my microblog! hope everything works as required.

celine 💻 427 days ago

been coding tirelessly for days. i love working on my site ^_^

celine 🥗 433 days ago

there's nothing like a fresh salad

celine 🙂 563 days ago

slowly molding and rotting in my room waiting for 8pm so i can go to sleep and fix my schedule. hows your tuesday going?

celine 📚 566 days ago

so excited and nervous for school.

celine 🌱 572 days ago

happy new years everyone! this is a year full of opportunity!

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