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We're living in a Death Machine.


b-52 🍷 16 days ago

Maybe I'd enjoy being a guro artist... Unrelated, but I'm fucking hungry.

b-52 💀 133 days ago

Finally customized my profile. Somewhat.

b-52 🎮 136 days ago

Lara Croft, save me. Save me, Lara Croft.

b-52 🍞 151 days ago

No matter how many times I've washed my hands since then, I can still smell butter chicken on them. Save me.

b-52 💤 179 days ago

The more I stare at the word "resources," the more fake it seems.

b-52 🙂 191 days ago

I want to make some shrines! But, like, what is a shrine? Can you eat one?

b-52 🙃 197 days ago

If I don't finish my About soon, I will go insane.

b-52 🎶 362 days ago

Drum and Bass... thank you for being there for me in these tumultuous times (site code still shit).