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actioncat 💤 53 minutes ago

Mhm.... mhm.. and is edward nygma in the room with us right now?

actioncat 🎶 7 days ago

Little old me in a big world (´・ω・`)

actioncat 🎶 8 days ago

Interpol untitled third demo.. hello..

actioncat 💻 10 days ago

Always a joy to describe your blorbo as a pathetic little stray animal

actioncat 💻 14 days ago

Tragedy enjoyer trying to write slice of life GET ME OUT OF HEREEEEEEEE

actioncat 💤 16 days ago

Drew john lennon glasses on one of the trents on my wall the other day. it's funny to look at

actioncat 💻 18 days ago

Trying to figure out a layout for this fanfic and it's so unreasonably difficult. what the hell man

actioncat ☀️ 20 days ago

Its so hot ouuutttt my room is like an oven..

actioncat ✨ 22 days ago

Day 3 of artfight I LOVE DRAWING FOREVER !

actioncat 💤 25 days ago

Got a sore throat from yelling about mothra last night -_- it's soups for me

actioncat 📺 25 days ago

All this and no mothra makes me a little disappointed..

actioncat 💤 26 days ago

Really should write today but auuuuhhhhh noooooo

actioncat 💻 27 days ago

Nygmatech edward awiuhrfwiw3n2i3209235;23l'23;l342l;'34l2;' heheee ohmy god lol

actioncat 💻 28 days ago

So very tired.....but i wanna draw the riddler so bad..

actioncat 💻 29 days ago

Incredibly nervous for artfight..hooooo boy

actioncat 📺 30 days ago

(Attempting to read the batmanforever novel edward chapters for au lore purposes) Im normal I am normal ok i'm normal im so normal

actioncat ✏️ 30 days ago

I'm new in the derp

actioncat 🎶 31 days ago

Innerpartysystem.. save me..

actioncat 🙂 32 days ago

Watched jeanne dielman last night instead of sleeping. while i worked on my writing. it was ok i guess

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